
Benign imaging features: Sharp margin, homogeneous low attenuation(<=20 HU) on noncontrast and/or portal venous-phase imaging, and characteristic features of hemangiomas, FNH, focal fatty sparing or deposition(near the falciform ligament or gallbladder fossa), or focal perfusional change(in the periphery). If pseudoenhancement is present, a benign cyst may measure >20 HU, radiologists’ discretion is necessary.
Suspicious imaging features: Ill-defined margins, heterogeneous density, mural thickening or nodularity, thick septa, and intermediate to high attenuation on portal venous-phase imaging (>20 HU, in the absence of pseudoenhancement). If pre- and postcontrast CT is available, enhancement with change of >20 HU is a suspicious feature.
Flash-filling imaging features: Uniform hyperenhancement relative to hepatic parenchyma on arterial-phase (including late arterial/early portal venous-phase) postcontrast imaging without additional postcontrast phases available to fully characterize this lesion.