
Other type of characteristic benign lesions include hemorrhagic cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, paraovarian cysts, peritoneal inclusion cysts and hydrosalpinges.

Typical hemorrhagic cyst: Reticular pattern (fine thin intersecting lines representing fibrin strands) and retracting clot (an avascular echogenic component with angular, straight or concave margins).

Typical dermoid cyst: Hyperechoic component with acoustic shadowing, hyperechoic lines and dots, floating echogenic spherical structures.

Typical endometrioma: Groundglass/homogeneous low-level echoes.

Simple paraovarian cyst: Simple cyst separate from the ovary that typically moves independent of the ovary when pressure is applied by the transducer.

Typical peritoneal inclusion cyst: Follows the contour of the adjacent pelvis organs or peritoneum, does not exert mass effect and typically contains septations. The ovary is either at the margin or suspended within the lesion.

Typical hydrosalpinx: Incomplete septation, tubular, endosalpingeal folds (short round projections around the inner wall of a fluid distended tubular structure).