Home » ACR White Paper » Thyroid Nodule–Ultrasound (TIRADS)

Thyroid Nodule–Ultrasound (TIRADS)

Thyroid nodule ultrasound (TIRADS)


Thyroid nodules are very common. 60-65% adults will have nodules on thyroid ultrasound.




Please select the type of thyroid nodule:

Cystic or almost completely cystic


Other nodules Click this to see further classifications



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If there are multiple thyroid nodules, the white paper recommends that no more than FOUR nodules with highest TIRADS scores should be reported and followed. No more than TWO nodules meeting the criteria should be targeted for FNA.

If the nodule has increased in size by 20% AND at least 2 mm on two or more separate dimentions or has increased at least 50% by volume since the previous study, tissue sampling or surgical treatment is recommended.


Cystic or almost completely cystic nodules are almost completely benigh.

Spongiform nodules are composed of tiny cystic spaces in more than 50% of the nodular volume, like a sponge. If the tiny cystic spaces are less than 50% of the volume of the nodule, please select other nodules to see further classifications. Spongiform nodules are almost completely benign.